Residence By Investment - TEG Consultancy

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Residence by Investment Portugal

Renowned for its outstanding reputation, Portugal is one of the world’s most globally connected and peaceful nations. With a high standard of living and an impressive Human Development Index ranking, this European country boasts a rich history, vibrant culture, delectable cuisine, breathtaking beaches, and picturesque countryside. As one of the oldest nations in Europe, Portugal continues to captivate visitors with its charm and allure.


Minimum EUR 500,000

Processing time

06 months

Key benefit

The right to live, work and study in Portugal

Citizen By Investment Portugal - TEG Consultancy

The Portugal Golden Visa Program

It is a popular program for non-EU nationals to obtain a five-year residence permit through investment. This permit allows individuals to live, work, study in Portugal and travel freely within the Schengen Area. Additionally, the program has a low physical presence requirement of an average of seven days per year, which can also count towards citizenship eligibility after five years of legal residency.

The Portugal Golden Visa Program

It is a popular program for non-EU nationals to obtain a five-year residence permit through investment. This permit allows individuals to live, work, study in Portugal and travel freely within the Schengen Area. Additionally, the program has a low physical presence requirement of an average of seven days per year, which can also count towards citizenship eligibility after five years of legal residency.

Benefits of a Portuguese Golden Visa

The Portuguese golden visa offers numerous benefits to non-EU nationals seeking residency in Portugal, including visa-free travel in Europe's Schengen Area, the ability to live, work, and study in Portugal, and the option to apply for citizenship after five years as a legal resident while maintaining other citizenship(s).

Moreover, these days count towards the applicant's eligibility for citizenship after meeting the five-year requirement.

Overall, the Portugal golden visa is an attractive option for those seeking to live, work, and study in Portugal while enjoying all the country's benefits.

The Portugal Golden Visa Program offers non-EU nationals a five-year residence permit with benefits such as the right to live, work, and study in Portugal and visa-free travel in Europe's Schengen Area. It also has a low physical presence requirement of 7 days in the first year and 14 days for the following two years, which can count towards citizenship eligibility after five years.

Portugal also boasts excellent international and Portuguese schools and universities, high quality of life, rich culture, a mild climate, and high security. The country is also known for its cuisine and wines; international quality healthcare clinics and hospitals are available for residents.


Portugal's Golden Visa Requirements

Portugal’s Golden Visa Program offers three categories for investment: capital transfer, property acquisition, or business. Within each category, applicants can choose one option to meet the requirements. The options for each type include the following:

Capital Transfer

Investment options for the Portugal Golden Visa Program include a minimum capital transfer of EUR 1.5 million into a Portuguese bank account, investing EUR 500,000 in approved investment funds or venture capital funds, investing in research activities, supporting artistic production or recovering national cultural heritage, or investing in a low population-density area.


The Portugal Golden Residence Permit Program offers various investment options for non-EU nationals to obtain a five-year residency permit. One of the investment options includes creating a minimum of ten new jobs or eight new jobs in a low-population-density area. Another option is investing EUR 500,000 in the incorporation or increase of share capital of a company registered in Portugal, creating or maintaining at least five permanent jobs for three years.

Procedures and Time Frame of the Portugal Golden Visa

The timeline for obtaining a Portuguese Golden Visa can vary. Still, it typically takes six to eight months to complete the initial application process and an additional 12 months to receive the residence permit. The timeline can be affected by factors such as the complexity of the investment chosen and the backlog of applications being processed by the authorities.

During the application process, the investor must provide all necessary documentation, including proof of investment and a criminal record certificate. The investor must also obtain a Portuguese fiscal number and open a bank account in Portugal.

Once the application is approved, the investor will receive a letter of approval and must travel to Portugal to complete the biometric data and provide the original documents. After the residence permit is issued, the investor must renew it every two years by delivering updated biometric data and original compositions.

It is important to note that the Portuguese authorities may require additional documentation or information during the application process, which can prolong the timeline. Therefore, working with experienced professionals who can guide investors through the process and ensure that all requirements are met is recommended.



Our Clients Questions

The Portugal Golden Visa Program is a residency-by-investment program designed to attract non-EU nationals who wish to live, work, and study in Portugal. The program offers a pathway to obtain a five-year residence permit through investment in Portugal.

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